The tool is designed to generate interaction network’s hierarchy based on a list of embedding or coembedding files. Embedding or coembedding directories, containing coembedding files in TSV format should be provided to generate several interactomes, which are used to create a structured hierarchy.
It can be also used to uppload hierarchy and its parent to NDEx and convert hierarchy in HCCX to HiDeF .nodes and .edges files.
In a project
To use cellmaps_generate_hierarchy in a project:
import cellmaps_generate_hierarchy
Needed files
The output directory for co-embedding (see Cell Maps Coembedding), ppi embedding (see Cell Maps PPI Embedding), or image embedding (see Cell Maps Image Embedding) is required
On the command line
For information invoke -h
In run mode (hierarchy generation): [outdir] [--coembedding_dirs COEMBEDDINGDIRS [COEMBEDDINGDIRS ...]] [OPTIONS]
In ndexsave mode (saving hierarchy to NDEx): [outdir] [--mode ndexsave] [--ndexuser NDEXUSER] [--ndexpassword NDEXPASSWORD]
In convert mode (converting hierarchy to HiDeF files) [outdir] [--mode convert] [--hcx_dir DIRECTORY_WITH_HCX_FILE]
The directory where the output will be written to or directory where hierarchy.cx2 and parent_hierarchy.cx2 was saved.
Possible modes
--mode ['run', 'ndexsave', 'convert']
Processing mode. If set to
then hierarchy is generated. If set tondexsave
, it is assumes hierarchy has been generated (named hierarchy.cx2 and parent_hierarchy.cx2) and put inoutdir
passed in via the command line and this tool will save the hierarchy to NDEx using--ndexserver
, and--ndexpassword
credentials. If set to convert, it is assumes hierarchy has been generated (named hierarchy.cx2) and it converts the hierarchy to HiDeF .nodes and .edges files.
Required in ‘run’ mode
Directories where coembedding, ppi embedding or image embedding was run. This is a required argument and multiple directories can be provided. Can be also paths to specific TSV files with embeddings.
Required in ‘ndexsave’ mode
--ndexuser NDEXUSER
NDEx user account.
--ndexpassword NDEXPASSWORD
NDEx password. This can either be the password itself or a path to a file containing the password.
Required in ‘convert’ mode
Input directory for convert mode with hierarchy in hcx to be converted to HiDeF .nodes and .edges files
--ndexserver NDEXSERVER
Server where the hierarchy can be converted to HCX and saved. Default is
--name NAME
Name of this run, needed for FAIRSCAPE. If unset, the name value from the directory specified by
will be used.
--organization_name ORGANIZATION_NAME
Name of the organization running this tool. If unset, the organization name specified in
directory will be used.
--project_name PROJECT_NAME
Name of the project running this tool. If unset, the project name specified in
directory will be used.
--k K
HiDeF stability parameter. Default is 10.
--algorithm ALGORITHM
HiDeF clustering algorithm parameter. Default algorithm is leiden.
--maxres MAXRES
HiDeF max resolution parameter. Default value is 80.
Containment index threshold for pruning hierarchy. Default is
Jaccard index threshold for merging similar clusters. Default is
Minimum difference in number of proteins for every parent-child pair. Default is
Minimum number of proteins each system must have to be kept. Default is
--ppi_cutoffs PPI_CUTOFFS [PPI_CUTOFFS ...]
Cutoffs used to generate PPI input networks. Default cutoffs are provided in the code.
If set, skips the layout of hierarchy step.
If set, the Hierarchy and interactome network loaded onto NDEx will be publicly visible.
--logconf LOGCONF
Path to python logging configuration file. Setting this overrides
parameter which uses the default logger.
Increases verbosity of logger. Multiple levels of verbosity can be set.
Shows the version of the program.
Example usage
Hierarchy generation
To generate hierarchy, use embeddings or co-embeddings, in the format specified in Inputs section. ./cellmaps_generate_hierarchy_outdir --coembedding_dirs ./cellmaps_coembedding_outdir -vvvv
To generate hierarchy with a custom name use --name
flag. ./cellmaps_generate_hierarchy_outdir --coembedding_dirs ./cellmaps_coembedding_outdir --name my_hierarchy -vvvv
Uploading hierarchy to NDEx
To upload network to NDEx, NDEx account is necessary. See here on how to create account on NDEx.
With command line:
# Example hierarchy and its interactome in examples directory in cellmaps_generate_hierarchy repository ./examples/ --mode ndexsave --ndexuser example_user_name --ndexpassword -
import os
import ndex2
from ndex2.cx2 import RawCX2NetworkFactory
from cellmaps_generate_hierarchy.ndexupload import NDExHierarchyUploader
#Specify NDEx server
ndexserver = '''
ndexuser = '<USER>'
ndexpassword = '<PASSWORD>'
# Specify paths to hierarchy and its parent (you can find example files in examples directory in cellmaps_generate_hierarchy_repo)
hierarchy_path = './examples/hierarchy.cx2'
parent_network_path = './examples/hierarchy_parent.cx2'
# Load the hierarchy and parent network CX2 files into network objects
factory = RawCX2NetworkFactory()
hierarchy_network = factory.get_cx2network(hierarchy_path)
parent_network = factory.get_cx2network(parent_network_path)
# Initialize NDExHierarchyUploader with the specified NDEx server and credentials
uploader = NDExHierarchyUploader(ndexserver, ndexuser, ndexpassword, visibility=True)
# Upload the hierarchy and parent network to NDEx
parent_uuid, parenturl, hierarchy_uuid, hierarchyurl = uploader.save_hierarchy_and_parent_network(hierarchy_network, parent_network)
print(f"Parent network UUID is {parent_uuid} and its URL in NDEx is {parenturl}")
print(f"Hierarchy network UUID is {hierarchy_uuid} and its URL in NDEx is {hierarchyurl}")
# Another option is to just specify the directory where the files are placed
_, _, _, hierarchyurl = uploader.upload_hierary_and_parent_network_from_files('./examples/')
print(f'Hierarchy uploaded. To view the hierarchy, paste this URL in your browser: {hierarchyurl}')
Convert hierarchy to HiDeF ./output_dir --mode convert --hcx_dir ./examples/
Via Docker
Example usage
Coming soon...